Fundamental course leading to the success of any project is the transfer of skills and knowledge. To this end, Calin is specialising in providing training courses in all aspects of project operation.
A key benefit of our training is that we have defined several role functions according to actual job, which would be performed by the personnel who will ...
Training Service-- Help you make it on your own
Support--Each step of your way
Calin provides 24/7/365 full clock desk hotlines and TeamViewer remote desktop technical support. Onsite is available on request. Calin has developed a range of support agreements which enable you to select the best package for your needs.
Professional contracted service-- Take your stress off
Calin provides outsourced contracted management service for small sized entities such as complex owners, retail commercial parks, office buildings who do not want hands on the system operation. With remote access facilities, Calin offers data management, prepayment vending voucher stocking, statistic report provision,etc.
Ask me not how much money my meter costs
Ask me how much value my service may bring to your prosperity
Want to learn how we can help you be more resourceful? Contact us today.