PCB name: MTI-1PSEM-94-1-20240118
PCB size (single module) :4.356x4.469inch
Board Thickness:1.6mm Green
Copper Foil Thickness:35um
Material: FR‐4 KB6160, 1oz, Cu, (Finish)
PCB size (single module) :4.356x4.469inch
Board Thickness:1.6mm Green
Copper Foil Thickness:35um
Material: FR‐4 KB6160, 1oz, Cu, (Finish)
The Design of the PCB is a highly confidential asset that should NOT be shared with any other
organization or manufacturer without written consent. The design should NOT be shared with the other departments of Micro tech Industries under any circumstances. This includes price negotiations and conflict resolving email. The technical Problem regarding PCB manufacturing or any issue that needs further elaboration/discussion should be communicated to the R&D person that sent you the Gerber files. The issues regarding payments/shipping should be communicated to procurement department.
Specification PDF download: